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Breeders’ Corner, Cannabis Resin Properties

Breeders’ Corner, Cannabis Resin Properties

Cannabis Resin Properties

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This edition of the Breeders’ Corner is a more in depth look at selection skills when it comes to judging cannabis resin properties in all its glory. There are some tricky-tricks here when doing this that I will go into detail about, some things that can save you precious time.

A couple weeks ago my article here in SKUNK, An Awesome Cannabis Breeding Routine, showed you some cool breeding stuff, especially when it comes to shaving off some overall time when it comes to the whole selection process. Making hash and selecting from the separate hash-ball samples is not only an epic time saver but keeps you in some awesome hash. Alright then, let’s look at two really cool time saving routines…

Many Heirloom Old World Sativas Concentrate Their Resin Density Towards the Center Mass

Many Heirloom Old World Sativas Concentrate Their Resin Density Towards the Center Mass

Cannabis Resin Properties per Variety

Judging the raw resin production level of each female plant can be done with the aid of a lab of course, or with the aid of making hash from each plant. I mean, it’s straight forward, the bigger (heavier) the hash ball is from each individual plant, the greater the resin production. Boom!

Sometimes while you are looking for special females, it is important that you take something into consideration. Some strains/varieties will tend to create much denser trichomes towards the center mass of the flowers. Old world heirloom and wild IBL sativas and sativa dominants tend to do this fairly often.

More domesticated cannabis varieties, long IBLs inbred for hundreds of years for better hash production, mostly your standard Hashplant type indica strains. These tend to throw out trichomes in more equal density throughout the flower.

If you are unaware of this, it can sneak some uber potent females away from you in your early selections, making you think resin production is low, when in fact it is not at all low.

Identifying These Special Lovelies

If you are making hash from your seeded up buds, you simply can weigh each hash ball to see how the overall resin production compares between plants. Just simply cutting a flower so you can see the cross-section will show you what’s up as well. Some of the most memorable buds I have ever smoked, like Congo Black, and Panama Red, to name two, had exotic colorations. But from just looking at them they didn’t look particularly high in resin production—weak looking, if anything, visually. Actually, at their centers the trichomes were so thick/dense, they were almost hashish-hard. These were ludicrously potent strains.

Judging more indica dominant plants is pretty easy by simply observing how frosty they are. But the hash making method also works well here on a per plant basis, because some plants have strong resin production even on the lowest buds. This will make them more favorable than others that don’t do this. By measuring the hash weight from each plant, you can get a real good grip on this often-overlooked aspect. Here’s a link to an easy-peasy hash-making article: Making Hash from Cannabis the Easy Way– with Rev – Skunk Magazine.

Potential Cannabis Resin Properties per Production Cotyledon Tell

Cotyledons and Cannabis Resin Properties

Jewelers’ Loup 20x Magnification is My Go-To for This Task and Others
Jewelers’ Loup 20x Magnification is My Go-To for This Task and Others

In a recent Letters to Rev article I wrote, the person in the email alluded to a selection trick I had taught them years before. This is the ‘cotyledon leaf method’ they were referring to. I find this one handy for females for sure, but especially useful for males. Since trichomes, genetically speaking, are just slightly modified leaf hairs, it seems obvious that the more leaf hairs per square ¼ inch or whatever, would matter. It does.

See Also
cannabis-world-news-Seeds This tray contains six different cultivars in clone form

The cotyledons are those very first round leaves that pop out of your newly sprouted cannabis plants as their very first set of leaves. The resin properties, specifically the resin production potential of the plant can be gauged fairly well by simply examining the cotyledon leaves of each sprout. Noting which have the densest leaf hair expression (number of leaf hairs per square ¼ inch or whatever). It’s as easy as that, just note/label them accordingly as you go forwards.

On these leaves the plants tend to have uniform leaf hair density regardless of whether or not they express more center mass trichomes or spread out trichomes in their flowers later on in life. Super handy trick, especially if going through a variety where many are mediocre and only a very few are stupendous!

Rev’s Tip

Making Dry Sift Hash is Informative and Very Enjoyable
Making Dry Sift Hash is Informative and Very Enjoyable

Cannabis resin properties are deep and wide. Many things can be considered. But even things like terpene qualities can be judged when using the hash method, along with high types. The earlier you can get rid of the plants you don’t want, the better, and that’s really what I wanted to do here today. Add to your arsenal of early selection skills.

Want to get some seriously cool exotic seeds to start your new adventures growing and selecting keepers? Buzz by Kingdom Organic Seeds and have a looksee. Grab a copy of my TLO Book 2nd Edition for better insights into all-natural growing.

Cannabis resin properties are one of my very favorite things to sample through finding the gems I love and for breeding with. It’s fun and rewarding, try it you’ll like it. I’m outty for now amigos, lots of things to be doing around here today—like almost every day LoL—so for now I bid you goodbye. But I’ll see ya back here next Tuesday for another article here at SKUNK by yours truly. L8r G8rs…

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