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Sheena Myers Launches GenoType and My Yoni Purrs

Sheena Myers Launches GenoType and My Yoni Purrs

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Founder, Sheena Myers Launches GenoType During the Height of Covid-19, See’s $200K by the 1st Anniversary, and Celebrates by Launching a Sister Brand; My Yoni Purrs

Sheena was born in Hollywood, SC and raised in Charleston, SC. She comes from parents Nedra Myers and Vernon Myers, and describes her childhood and teenage years as:

I was raised by my mom who was a single parent, while my father was off in the military for a while. I spent all my grade school years in Charleston, after graduating high school I moved to Atlanta to attend the Art Institute for graphic design. I got pregnant with my son at 19 and became a single mother. Not long after, his father went to prison, which led me to joining the AirForce as a Mortuary Specialist. While in the air force, I obtained 4 degrees as well as my cosmetology license”.

Fast forward to 2020, Sheena Myers is the first black woman in Charleston, SC county to have obtained a hemp cultivation license. The passion that led her to launching GenoType, rests in her son Geno:

May 20th, 2019 I was blessed with my miracle child Geno, who came into this world weighing 1lb 8oz; he was in the NICU at Medical University of South Carolina  for 4 months. Every day was a struggle. I didn’t know if he’d make it or not, or if he did make it, what struggles he would have. I began researching all the ways to heal different disorders that can come with micro preemies. That’s  where I found out about cannabis oil and how it was a miracle worker for children with disabilities. To cut out the middleman, I decided to become a cultivator and have an everlasting supply of hemp, which in turn would allow me to extract fresh CBD oil from my own crop for my Geno”.

About My GenoType and My Yoni Purrs

GenoType is a hemp- CBD infused skincare company. The expansive Genotype product line includes: facial masks, hemp CBD infused sage sticks, hemp CBD oil, hair growth serum, glowing cream, african black soap, and more. Founder Sheena Myers describes her product line as: 

Our products are all organic, with no chemicals, and can be used on the body and on hair. All products are made with the main ingredient being hemp oil, which is homemade with love”.

My Yoni Purrs was made for women who suffer from ingrown hair, dark spots, uneven skin tone, and skin irritation on their yoni (vagina). The Yoni Scrub was created to get rid of dry skin and reduce problematic ingrown hairs to allow the hair to grow back more fine and less coarse. The Yoni Butter was created to keep your skin hydrated and smooth; The Yoni CBD Oil was created to refresh the yoni with a long-lasting tingling sensation for pleasure. GenoType clients were asking for something exclusive, so Sheena set out to create a line to care for the yoni in other ways, away from the typical yoni steams and products. 

Hear from Sheena Myers About the Business Launch, Success, Lessons, and Advice

Sheena, what obstacles were faced before and during the launch of GenoType?

Learning the industry, and finding hemp farmers that were willing to teach and help me learn how to grow. The plant itself is very tedious and researching the plant and its needs were strenuous. I also faced the industry being male dominated and the concerns that I was selling weed or would fail drug tests”.

When looking back, what do you recall were the easiest parts of a business launch?

The easiest part was and still is creating the products. I’m a creator and I have always had a vision that others were unable to see, it comes natural to me”.

In the first year of operations- your company saw 6 figure profits- what would you say made that happen?

GenoType actually saw 6 figures in 9 months which is a blessing. It’s one thing to talk about GenoType products, but people started seeing results and that led to a bunch of testimonials from men and women, and even parents advising that the products were helping their children.With those testimonials and reviews, we started seeing an increase in orders. It also helps that GenoType has quick turnaround time with packaging and shipping out orders”.

Did GenoType launch with investors and does GenoType currently have investors?

No, absolutely not, but  I’ve had multiple offers from individuals wanting to be investors or silent partners”.

GenoType doesn’t have a storefront, are there plans for that?

Yes, I have a production center going through the process of building reviews with the help of my commercial building designer Mr. Steve Humbert, whom I look at as a grandfather, we hope to start the building process in August of this year”.

You’ve posted about a facility in relation to Genotype- can you share details about that?

Yes! It will be in Charleston, SC and will be an agritourism farm/ production center. The mission is to allow students and visitors to see the production of cannabis and see other exotic plants. I have partnered with the MUSC research team (Medical University of South Carolina), on hemp/cannabis research in an effort to cure pancreatic cancer. On October 1st of this year, Genotype farm will be hosting an Indigo plant event (Indigo, a plant that produces a blue dye, was an important part of South Carolina’s 18th century economy)”.

 Let’s talk about Yoni Purrs, what’s the best-selling product to date?

My products are for everyone of every race and gender. The best-selling product to date is the CBD Glowing Cream from my original line and is still the best-seller today”.

 Why was it important for you to launch this line?

It was important to me to create something for African American women to combat embarrassing ingrown hairs from shaving, dark marks, and uneven skin tone on the bikini lines. The area is very sensitive, and I felt that my products are necessary to the African American community for confidence.”

 Where can people find Yoni Purrs both locally and globally?

They can find my line on Facebook Genotype Inc., Instagram @genotypecbd, and my website at

This piece was originally written by the author and published on the veetravelingvegcannawriter blog. This content was edited/repurposed for Skunk Magazine.

Instagram: @vee_traveling_veg_canna_writer

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