Vivian McPeak

Vivian McPeak is a Seattle-based social justice activist, media personality, and writer. Vivian spent nearly three decades as the president of Seattle Events, a Non-Profit Organization, producer of the Seattle HEMPFEST®, the world’s largest annual cannabis policy reform rally. The recipient of the High Times Magazine 2012 Lester Grinspoon Lifetime Achievement Award and DOPE Magazine 2016 Emery Award for lifetime achievement, in 2016 Vivian was named one of the “50 Most Influential People” by Seattle Magazine. Vivian has appeared on numerous television and cable news networks, including FOX News, CNN, & NBC. McPeak is the host of Hempresent, a weekly radio podcast on Cannabis Radio with listeners on multiple continents.

63 Articles Published | Follow:
cannabis world news image of crowd of woman posing in front of Hempfest banner with Dave Mesford leaning down in the front
In Memoriam: Dave “Damit” Mesford

The North American cannabis legalization movement suffered a significant loss this year when Dave Mesford,…

cannabis world news image of cannabis seed
Schedule III: The DEA Begins the Process of Rescheduling Cannabis. What does that mean?

1970 was a year of social and cultural upheaval in America. America had just emerged…

cannabis world news seeds strains genetic breeding Donitz Triploid cannabis plant
Triploid Breeding: An Interview with Benjamin Lind, Co-founder & Chief Science Officer, Humboldt Seed Company

Since cannabis has become a state-legal commodity in much of America, cannabis breeding has developed…

cannabis world news Seeds, Strains, Genetics Breeding zest mints bulletproof strain plant and weed package
Bulletproof Genetics: Ryan Gageby Continues the Legacy of Eddie Hansman, the late Michigan Breeder

Vivian McPeak: How and when did you get interested in cannabis genetics?  Ryan Gageby: It was…

cannabis world news image of cannabis plant cola
Book Review: An American Cannabis Story, by David Goodman 

Powerhouse Books, 207 pages. David Goodman opens An American Cannabis Story by detailing his initial…

cannabis world news Ali standing between a Sumatran and Oaxacan variety at Jade Nectar Farms which focuses on landraces in Santa Cruz, CA.
Rush or Renaissance? An Interview with Molecular Biologist Ali Bektaş

I had the pleasure of speaking with Ali about a very profound article he recently…

cannabis world news legalization green image of rippled fingers of a cannabis plant leaf
House Panel Votes to Ease Federal Hiring Restrictions for Americans with a History of Cannabis Use 

A United States House of Representatives panel voted in favor of eliminating barriers preventing the…

cannabis world news legalization smiling woman holds rolled joint above rolling tray of weed
Time for Stoner Celebration? In Historic Move, Biden Administration Recommends Switching Cannabis to Schedule 3

While cannabis may be something that SKUNK readers feel very passionately about, it is still…