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Come Fly With Me: First Vergados Editorial

Come Fly With Me: First Vergados Editorial

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HELLO POT LOVERS. This is your Captain speaking. Welcome aboard SKUNK flight 2.5. We’ll be traveling at a self-induced 30,000 feet above sea level so you’d better keep your instruction manual handy, because we’ll be flying from the seat of our pants. This may be my first official flight but I’ve logged many hours in the co-pilot’s seat. Many thanks to Captain Dave for getting this baby in the air—now it’s time to see if we can fly higher.

When SKUNK was founded we set out to go where no pot mag had gone before: edgy, funny, self-effacing, sharp, controversial, and sometimes shocking. We’ve since heard accolades, and dodged bullets. Our intent was to provoke discussion and, holy fuck, the phone hasn’t stopped ringing ever since vol. 1, issue 1. You see, we think we’ve got something here that others don’t, and we’re not gonna stop.

Our formula? Start with the strongest grow info around and combine with the most interesting personalities in the pot world. Mix for a few minutes then add the following in no particular order: stunning pot pics, fucked-up comedy and satire, and a healthy dose of political and corporate exposés. At that point you must remove any traces of self-censorship or the soufflé will crumble. Then garnish your creation with the bizarre, true-life adventures of psycho criminals and cult leaders. Spice liberally with strong, sexy women (who knew that potheads enjoyed sex?) and you’ve got SKUNK. In short, a magazine that’s informative, thought provoking, and, most importantly, interesting.

So, again, welcome aboard and tell me if we fly too close to the sun, although I don’t promise to listen.


John Vergados
Editorial/Art Director
(Sparky’s boss)

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P.S. Let’s give a butt-spanking welcome to Mamakind who joins the SKUNK crew as our in-house senior editor.

This editorial appears in Volume 2 – Issue 6 of SKUNK Magazine.

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