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Phases Retrograde: More Than a Feeling

Phases Retrograde: More Than a Feeling

cannabis world news strain reports open jar of cannabis buds

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From the brilliant minds that brought you A Golden State, Phases-Retrograde, aka: Cherry Runtz offers a relaxing and introspective experience to the toolkit that speaks clearly of the provenance for this high quality cannabis.

Nose: New Mexican Hatch Chilies in the nose, evolving slowly into a mélange of juicy Pan-Asian and Caribbean spices and fruits, cardamom, grilled oranges, lime and lemon zests, clove, nutmeg, plantain, guava… and even a matzo ball finish! (my matzo balls have nutmeg in them) Finished with shovelfuls of freshly turned loam. This strain, the Retrograde Indica is a magnificent effort, worthy of your hard-earned salary.

But please don’t despair, PHASES linen from Vantage Point, also includes A Golden State within their portfolio of brands, is hardly a second label quality-wise, but it is priced slightly less than A Golden State’s full-priced offerings. I would never turn them down. In many ways they are my preference as far as the specific genealogy of the strains are concerned. Each come packed in the same expensive, shock-resistant packaging, the flowers themselves are treated to the same labor intensive, hand-selection as the full-priced flowers from A Golden State. So they are quality all the way.

cannabis world news strain reports opened jar of cannabis buds

Appearance: Dark purple with orange hairs and splashes of chartreuse green in the background. Pretty to look at, sticky to touch. Gorgeous stuff to experience without worrying about the price.

Palate/Mouthfeel: Black cherry preserves smeared over brown bread from the can, leads headlong into a steaming tangle of hand-made tagliatelle with sauteed wild mushrooms and a softly cooked egg resplendent over the top a splinter of hand-crafted, cave-aged cheddar cheese from Bobolink Dairy in bucolic New Jersey makes this dish a crowning achievement in each puff.

Stone: Talkative and relaxing without the usual couchlock long plaguing the word, Indica. Indica no longer means in the couch, far from. I’m certainly relaxed and comfortable in my surroundings with the idea of writing my experience of this cannabis. This is potent cannabis; thus care must be taken, and relaxation is paramount in the overall experience. I’m certain to express my peaceful nature and inquisitive thoughts in each thoughtful puff of Retrograde. This is cannabis that is not intensely verbose, nor overpoweringly terpene leading. It’s not catatonic, it’s meditational. My third eye is wide open, only my eyes are closed and just for a moment in time.

See Also
cannabis world news strain reports image of cannabis bud

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Photo credit: Warren Bobrow

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