
Cannabis breeder and activist.

6 Articles Published | Follow:
Breeding the Culture: Adam Dunn, T.H.Seeds and the Second Wave of Cannabis in Amsterdam

Adam Dunn is an American cannabis breeder who co-founded the T.H. Seeds. In the early…

Breeding the Culture: K of Trichome Technologies

Kenneth Morrow, aka K of Trichome Technologies, is a prolific author and innovator who has…

Breeding the Culture: Nevil Schoenmakers, The Seed Bank, and the Birth of the Cannabis Seed Industry

Nevil Schoenmakers (1956-2019) was an Australian cannabis breeder of Dutch heritage. Nevil helped to found…

Breeding Culture: Henk van Dalen and Dutch Passion

Dutch Passion, founded in 1987 by Henk van Dalen, is another first wave of Dutch…

Breeding the Culture: Dj Short and the Creation of the Blue Family Lines

Dj Short is an American cannabis breeder. Since the late 1970s Dj has been developing…

Cannabis Genetic Resources: The Seeds of Our Collective Past, Present, and Future.

Today, as we witness the international shift in cannabis policy away from prohibition toward a…