Laura Clein

Laura Clein once upon a time worked as a recreational therapist in retirement communities and an event coordinator on college campuses. While in graduate school for an MSW at the University of Southern California she wrote a term paper for a Social Policy class on medical marijuana in 1996. Although now disabled and living with complex chronic illness for many years, she, alongside her husband, Marty, has created a lifestyle that works. Laura is proud to be patient #1 at Martyuana™ and often says, "Thank goodness, cannabis helps."

55 Articles Published | Follow:
Moonspired: Carnival

The phases of the moon mean a lot of things to a lot of people.…

MOONSPIRED: Cue the Cure

When we align with the moon’s cycle, we see what it has to offer our…

Strain Name: Supreme Gelato

Strain Name: Supreme Gelato. Breeder: Marty hand pollinates dominant males with dominant females every year.…

Moonspired: Midwinter Highlights

The February full moon shines tonight and shines a light into this season. Now is…

Moonspired: New Moon New Year

The first new moon of the year is about new beginnings, as all new moons…

Strain Report: Supreme Gelato

Strain Name: Supreme Gelato Breeder: Marty hand pollinates dominant males with dominant females every year…

Moonspired: New Year Blessings

There are many natural cycles, individually and as integrated systems, that we can learn to…