Humboldt Seed Company

A leader in specialized cannabis breeding and strain development.

6 Articles Published | Follow:
Humboldt’s Automated Seeding Line!

Capable of planting ten thousand cannabis seeds per hour, take a trip with Ben and…

Blueberry Cupcakes in 30 Seconds!

These you have to see to believe!

The Making Of An Autoflower!

3.5 generations into this project we share the “segregating population sift” stage of our process…

Kangen Waters Impact On Cannabis Cultivation

Eric Brandstad and Harry Rose talk about their techniques, discoveries and experiences with using Kangen…

Dispensary Display Assembly Video

How to assemble a display! Website:    

Germinating and Planting Cannabis Seeds!

A comprehensive video on how to germinate and plant cannabis seeds geared towards home growers.…