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reserve your ad hereThe phases of the moon mean a lot of things to a lot of people. Full moons are an obvious accounting system to all Earth’s inhabitants, plants and animals, and humans, with regard to growth and hunting, and fertility. This one is no different. It’s International Women’s Day this week, as well as women’s history month in March and when we look to history we find her-story perfectly fits the timeframe of this moon cycle.
The Purim story, the megillah/scroll of Esther and the Jewish people surviving in Persia, is celebrated by the light of the moon tonight with comical retellings and masquerade balls. Like many bible stories, this one has origins in even more ancient sources. See Babylonian myths of Ishtar and Marduk, and Sumerian Annunaki tales of Innana and Enmerkar. Queen Esther, and the other women in these legendary examples of the powerfully feminine archetype, are also known as Aphrodite and Venus in Greek and Roman cultures. All shining bright light!
There’s more… When we look east to the Holi festival in India also happening on this moon, with its focus on a love story and the triumph of good vs evil as well as the brightly colored celebrations, there’s an obvious resemblance. And fast forward to modern-day Carnival / Fat Tuesday / Mardi Gras revelry in Christian faiths, happening during this moon cycle as well. We cannot help but wonder how the blurred lines, between priestess and prostitute, between male and female, and between the oppressor & the oppressed, are all tied to this particular moon cycle. There are more similarities than differences in the reasons behind the rituals. Certainly, there are strains of the same traditions honored throughout the world throughout the ages. All the humans are following the moon’s light leading us along the yearly path toward Easter, Passover, and Spring Equinox.
Regardless of each individual religion’s rituals, tonight’s holiday is globally honored by feasts, parties, and sweet pastries. It’s also observed by getting drunk enough to not know the difference between the villain and the hero. Carnival signals a time for making merry, the liturgy literally urging us to over-indulge!!! Consider substituting cannabis for wine (cannabis is kosher). Even and especially for first-time users, this mind-altering high may be more pleasurable than alcohol. Pro tip: a little goes a long way however one chooses to consume. Whether an edible brownie or a gummy or a pre-roll or a vape pen or a dab or a bong hit or an oil extract or a good old fashion joint, start small and see how it feels. We’re betting that both canna-ssuers and canna-curious will find it’s a crowd-pleaser. And true to its nature, imbibing in marijuana is well known to accentuate giggles, which are permitted, even encouraged, during the Purim spiel/story. No matter the choice of substance, it’s literally mandated that we find satisfaction in a multitude of possible ways to celebrate the moments of this moon with wild abandon. What feels right, right now?!
In the Judaic version of the story, Queen Esther saves the day, the beauty queen, and her womanly ways equate to a divine feminine deity and she’s a celebrated heroine in a time that mostly took women for granted and even considered them property. Side note synchronicity: interesting and maybe even a little scary that Purim is related to human rights violations in ancient Shushan / Persia / Iran. Still to this day an area embroiled in more of the same. Especially difficult to look at the horrors and atrocities of war and authoritarianism that continues in our modern world, yet evil is still trying to take over in many places on our planet. Please take a moment to focus on peace in the hearts of people all over the world, knowing nothing is more powerful than lovingkindness.
Closer to home, here in northern California, it has been an unusually wet cold winter and we are grateful to be looking toward the very near Springtime to plant our seeds with our well and water storage tanks filled to the brim. We still have some fences to mend that blew down during the winter storms that came in nine truly ferocious rounds of downpours throughout January. Then, more than ever, reported in the news as “once in a generation” snow levels here in late February, even now. So it’s been slow going in our annual garden preparations, but, we know we will get there. We March onward…
All the various spiritual traditions trace their roots to the cultures that came before them who based their worship, as well as their activities of daily life, on the elements of the Earth and sky. All of them, yet each in their own way, seem to be honoring, at the same time, the wisdom of women & the questions of what is hidden and what is revealed?! Look to this full moon, look to the earth, look to the sun, look at the stars, look around, and look within, to the past and the future. It’s all now here in this present. And with awareness, observation, and discernment, we can see through the masks. And most importantly, we can stand in our truth. That’s the whole megillah around this beautiful full moon!
Modern day cannabis themed beauty queen fits the vision this full moon
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reserve your ad hereLaura Clein once upon a time worked as a recreational therapist in retirement communities and an event coordinator on college campuses. While in graduate school for an MSW at the University of Southern California she wrote a term paper for a Social Policy class on medical marijuana in 1996. Although now disabled and living with complex chronic illness for many years, she, alongside her husband, Marty, has created a lifestyle that works. Laura is proud to be patient #1 at Martyuana™ and often says, "Thank goodness, cannabis helps."