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Cannabis Legalization - Featured Articles

Cannabis prohibition over the last 125 years has caused far reaching yet unnecessary harm to our global human family. Millions of people who would have benefited from cannabis as legal medicine have been denied the freedom to access this profoundly healing plant. Misinformation and propaganda have perpetuated a misguided, expensive and socially destructive war on drugs that has done nothing more than generate an imbalance of power by criminalizing not only a natural plant that can grow in most people’s gardens, but by unfairly targeting certain members and contributors of society. This arbitrary discrimination is a true human rights injustice with grave and damaging effects for humanity, not only in how we treat each other, but how we treat physical illness, and how we treat our planet as a nurturing resource. Skunk Magazine stands in solidarity with millions of people across the planet, protecting our shared vision of legalization, decriminalization and cannabis freedom for every nation and every walk of people by ending cannabis prohibition once and for all.

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cannabis world news decriminalization man using torch to make glass paraphernalia
Will Trump Cement His Legacy With Cannabis Legalization?

Trump could cement his legacy by supporting federal legalization during his time in office. The…

man releasing baloon
Balloon Ceremony Held for Lawton Oklahoma Man Slain by Police

This past Sunday marked the first anniversary of the Lawton Oklahoma man, Quadry Sanders, who…

Canna Prisoner Thomas (TOM KAT) Landreth #146687 Oklahoma current Inmate
Prisoners of The War on Drugs

For hundreds of years, society has been taught to follow the rules written by lawmakers.…

cannabis world news international law image of article author smoking a joint
Re-legalize Nepal Official Movement

Namaste. I was born in Kathmandu, Nepal, and I smoked my first cannabis at the…

cannabis world news international laws
European Legalization Will Look Different Than Reformed Policies In North America

Europe is the most exciting place for cannabis policy reform right now, with several countries…

cannabis world news international law photo of government presentation room with rows of empty seats
Germany’s Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization Plan Is Leaked, Again

If you have spent a considerable amount of time in politics, you know that a…

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A multi-racial group of young people sit on a couch smoking cannabis
For first time in U.S. History, more Americans use cannabis than tobacco

The history of tobacco use stretches back over 1,000 years. First discovered by the indigenous…

Home Cultivation is Sprouting Up All Over America Says New Report

Millions of Americans live in a new age of cannabis where they can amble down…

Report: Youth Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Pain Meds Decreased Where Cannabis is Legal

Washington, DC: The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) reports that the…

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