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Photos Courtesy of Kitten Lepp
It’s been only three months since the Infamous OG Eddy Lepp has been released from his unconstitutionally cruel and unusual parole conditions keeping him from so much as standing next to a Cannabis plant or even a poster of a plant or extolling the benefits of the plant medicine in any way. For SIX of those three months, Eddy Lepp has been battling Stage 4 Cancer in his lungs and brain with the help of his life partner and caregiver Sandra Castaneda.
Sandra Castaneda Lepp is California’s first Cannabis medical caregiver to be acquitted of any Cannabis criminal charges by California Superior Court in 1997 under the protections of Propostion 215. Reverend Eddy Lepp had been amongst the Jack Herer & Activist Friends to rally for Castaneda’s release from jail, although they never met in person until Lepp’s own release from prison decades later.
Prior to the unconstitutional federal raid of Eddy Lepp’s Medicinal Gardens, the California medical garden of more than 30,000 Cannabis Sativa L plants along the side of California Highway 20 had been in compliance with Proposition 215 and state laws and guidelines. Reverend Eddy Lepp had and continues to have his civil and human rights violated beyond remedy; from the courts denying his religious sincerity to his right to treat the patients within his members only collective or those he spiritually advised in accordance with local laws and the First Amendment. The sentencing judge showed prejudice and refused to recuse nor reconsider his sentencing as she stated she would on the record “if the laws changed in California” (which indeed they did) so Reverend Eddy Lepp did more than seven years of federal time and was only released early due to his health deteriorating in the substandardized conditions of privatized prisons and how much it costs to keep someone alive and well versus how much they get for housing that body.
This will be the first time Reverend Eddy Lepp has been allowed to legally have even one Cannabis Get Well plant by his bedside, let alone to grow a namesake strain to attempt to cure or treat his own cancer in 2020.
Though Reverend Eddy Lepp has helped more than TEN THOUSAND patients in the State of California and beyond, he was not comfortable asking for help for himself and many of us were not even aware of his terminal diagnosis until a gofundme set up for those of us too far away to help in person, in the midst of a pandemic, began circulating across social media platforms. We want to give Reverend Eddy Lepp his flowers literally [and virtually zero contact] while his eyes are open and in accordance with his own wishes and needs as they evolve day to day and minute to minute.
And that’s when #TheLEPPrechuanz started showing up both figuratively AND literally.
Hemp Can Save The Planet is a Volunteer Member Association whose mission is to curate, archive, and share educational multimedia resources about How Hemp Can Save The Planet. The grassroots org was co-founded by Melissa Balin, Eddy Lepp, and the late great Jack Herer, during the making of Jack Herer’s Emperor Wears No Clothes short documentary for Academy Award Consideration in 2009. Eddy Lepp is quick to help anyone in a time of need yet rarely asks for help for himself. Many of us are only just finding out that Eddy even has cancer, let alone the seriousness of his advancing condition.
We sprung into action direct messaging each other across various preferred platforms in order to get the word out that “Eddy Lepp Needs You” both metaphorically, figuratively AND LITerally as a hashtag and gofundme page for donations toward Eddy Lepp’s treatment and comforts during these challenging times. Under the hashtag #TheLEPPrechaunz #EddyAndSandraLepp; are able to share their wishlist needs as they arise each day and those of us that believe in energy healing can send what is needed in virtual facsimile until a literal remedy can arrive whether Eddy is on bedrest at home, or at the VA or a treatment center or back at home on bedrest, we want him to have the support and love he needs to thrive and survive.
Seven Weddings In Seven Days?!
Eddy Lepp was scheduled for four months of grueling radiation treatments for his brain cancer. Three weeks of lung treatments had already taken a toll on Lepp’s weakened system. When Eddy Lepp was given the date for the next round of radiation treatments for his rapidly spreading brain cancer, he expressed to loved ones that it was important to him that he marry his fiancé and partner Sandra Castaneda while he felt of sound mind and body. Radiation treatments don’t just kill cancer cells, they annihilate other healthy cells as well and can cause more than brain fog, so they made an expedited appointment for a marriage license to elope in Reno.
Two nights before their elopement, Eddy wasn’t feeling well and Sandra took him to the hospital who transferred him by ambulance to the SF VA at Ft. Miley for Emergency Care after further tests revealed he may have had two minor heart attacks in the past three weeks. While receiving the greatest emergency medical care available, they were reminded of how important it was to them both to be legally married, even and especially at a time when not even spouses are allowed into hospitals due to the evolving pandemic guidelines.
We reached out to the Lake County Clerk’s Office to start the paperwork for an Affidavit For Inability To Appear For A Marriage License in case Eddy wasn’t able to leave the hospital as he had been admitted to Intensive Care. The hospital had not had a wedding since the pandemic had begun and were unsure if they could permit a curbside wedding depending on his condition which they had admitted him to monitor. “The LEPPrechuanz” scurried and levitated about; some unseen and some anonymous; finding zero contact ways to get Eddy and Sandra the life affirming essentials they needed to support their blessed union and his healing as their immediate needs changed in real time.
With Love and Thoughts and Prayers pouring in from around the globe and the magic of alternative and post-modern medicine; Eddy Lepp was able to walk out of the hospital and over the threshold as bride and groom nevermind who was carrying who. Over the course of seven days, the lovebirds were married SEVEN TIMES virtually and in real life and legally binding in the State of California as well as the Intergalactic Council and by a Sovereign Grand Jury of Peers and Elders.
It’s Official Like A Whistle with hyperlinks online to enjoy pics and video of the #SevenWeddingsInSevenDaze as part of #EddyLeppLIVEFest Introducing #EddyAndSandraLepp!
During a facebook live of their vows, the Rev Eddy Lepp said, “I have little left. I have no health, no money, very few resources, but I will promise you this: From Now Til The Day I Take My Last Breath You Will Have A Partner, A True Partner That Will Make No Decision Without You That Will Walk Proudly By Your Side And Be Forever Glad That From This Day Forward My Name Is OFFICIALLY Eddy “The Fucken Kitten” Castaneda Lepp And If You Don’t Like It You Can Kiss My Ass. It’s The Happiest Day Of My Life… Thank You So Much!”
a)Minister Lynette Shaw marries The Castaneda Lepps from Historic Lake County Courthouse Museum
b) Missionary Bret Bogue marries The Castaneda Lepps from Mexico
c) Killah Priest of Wu-Tang marries The Castaneda Lepps from the Wu-Tang Sanctuary
d) Reverend Roger Christie marries The Castaneda Lepps from HEAL-o, Hawaii
e) Reverend Auntie Amie marries The Castaneda Lepps from “Bed Peace”
f) Minister Tim Blake marries The Castaneda Lepps from Area 101
g) Reverend Damon Bates marries The Castaneda Lepps from Clearlake and outer limits
Follow along their ninety days of healing honeymoon and encourage Eddy Lepp’s will to live and living well as a testament to his Living Will under the hashtags #EddyLeppNeedsYou and #EddyLeppLIVEFest #EddyAndSandraLepp
Ways You Can Help From Wherever You Are:
Purchase OFFICIAL OG EDDY LEPP commemorative signed memorabilia to support OG Eddy Lepp’s pursuit of alternative therapeutic treatments in accordance with the Federal Right to Try Act of 2017 and the Eternal Sovereign Natural Rights To Treat Yourself.
Please Send Get Well & Honeymoon Giftcards, Cards, Healing Crystals & Gifts to:
Attn: Mr. & Mrs. Lepp
PO Box 1631
Clearlake Oaks CA 95423
Shop from OG Eddy Lepp fine art at
OG Eddy Lepp Authenticated by Apothecary Genetics is an heirloom legacy strain whose initial origins were partially developed and cultivated at the beginning of the millenium in collaboration with Eddy Lepp’s Medicinal Gardens prior to the unconstitutional federal raid of the California medical garden of more than 30,000 Cannabis Sativa L plants in compliance with Proposition 215 and state laws and guidelines. For more than ten years, Eddy Lepp has not been allowed to so much as stand next to a Cannabis plant as a condition of his imprisonment or parole. These seeds will be the first seeds Eddy Lepp will be allowed to legally grow to attempt to cure his own cancer in 2020. This is an extremely limited heirloom batch of only 30 heirloom seeds (find out how you can win one through Skunk Magazine) to symbolically represent the more than 30,000 plants that were not able to see maturity almost two decades ago. #WeLoveOGEDDYLEPP!!!
The Official Release of “OG EDDY LEPP Authenticated by Apothecary Genetics” will be available to the public exclusively through by Late Summer of 2021.
- Strain Name: OG EDDY LEPP
- Height: Outdoor Can grow up to 6 foot tall – Indoor can depend on veg time
- Weight: Indoor from 250 – 300 grams per plant Outdoor as much as 1000 grams plus
- Flowering Time In Days: 65 days Indoor – Seasonal Outdoor
- About 200 words describing where the strain came from, what it looks like, how it grows and why you like it:
OG Eddy Lepp authenticated by Apothecary Genetics is an heirloom legacy strain whose initial origins were partially developed and cultivated at the beginning of the millenium in collaboration with Eddy Lepp’s Medicinal Gardens prior to the unconstitutional federal raid of the California medical garden of more than 30,000 Cannabis Sativa L plants in compliance with Proposition 215 and state laws and guidelines. For more than ten years, Eddy Lepp has not been allowed to so much as stand next to a Cannabis plant as a condition of his imprisonment or parole. These seeds will be the first seeds Eddy Lepp will be allowed to legally grow to attempt to cure his own cancer in 2020. This is an extremely limited heirloom batch of Only 30 heirloom seeds to symbolically represent the more than 30,000 plants that were not able to see maturity almost two decades ago. #WeLoveOGEDDYLEPP!!!
7(a). About 200 words describing what it looks like, how it grows and why you like it from Founder of Apothecary Genetics, Professor Bret Bogue:
“The strain is vigorous it grows broad and thick and finishes off approximately six feet outdoors. Indoors the plant is quick to flourish with dense flower and finishes off within sixty-five days.
- It was a pleasure developing, curating, and protecting this strain since 2004 for my dear friend and mentor Eddy Lepp and for the Cannabis World to remind themselves of one of the true Godfathers of the Cannabis Space. May it continue to develop and thrive in your own gardens.”
- Taste (burned and unburned): Earthy with a grape overtone
- Scent (burned/unburned): smells like fresh cut grapes with a fresh air smell unburned and distinctive OG earth tones when burning
- What the dried bud/crumbled bud looks like: frosty lavender potpourri
- The speed of high onset: an immediate euphoric lift upon inhalation of the unburned terpenes by squeezing the unburned bud between fingers and inhaling. Upon burning, the high is slow and steady with a high peak. Upon burning do not operate heavy machinery within one hour of consumption. This is an INDICA DOMINANT HYBRID.
- Duration of high: AN HOUR PLUS.
- Quality/type of high: Meditating and relaxing
- Medicinal qualities: Great for epilepsy, seizures and DEEP RELAXATION.
__________________________________ *Skunk Magazine is devoted to organics and sustainability, human and civil rights.
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