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Jerry’s Seed Swap 2024 in Mendocino County

Jerry’s Seed Swap 2024 in Mendocino County

cannabis world news round green plastic containers with Mendo seeds in them

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The 2nd annual Jerry’s Seed Swap is Saturday, January 27, 2024, organized by First Cut Farms and Mendo Seeds. Get ready for an epic Emerald Triangle celebration at this midwinter gathering; it’s time to do it again!

cannabis world news Jerry's Seed Swap logo with bird

Heady old-school farmers from all over northern California come out of the hills for “Jerry’s Seed Swap: For the Community, By the Community” hosted by Jerry Munn, who is as OG as they come. Jerry is a legend! He was Dennis Peron’s favorite farmer. As a grower and an activist in the medical marijuana movement, Jerry worked for the original San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club alongside Dennis from its inception. He now owns a small farm in Covelo, CA.

cannabis world news Many outside in woods holding large cannabis plant spear in hands, smiling

So much buzz, “Being able to share cannabis seeds with each other has been lost amidst the current regulations, and the idea for the seed exchange was to give folks a chance to forward their legacy genetics in a noncommercial setting. I assembled breeders for this panel who have done a lot of work and deserve to be spotlighted. This was intentionally timed to spread the seeds around for those who want to start early by planting on the next new moon. Our community needed a free, low-key event, and it was so well received.” — Jerry Munn

cannabis world news silver packaging from First Cut Farms with fresh green buds laid out in front

It’s a cultural gathering rather than a corporate event. Grassroots ideals are always a strong foundation. Meet the sustainably focused regenerative agricultural legacy of seed-born sun-grown cannabis farmers who are deeply connected to the plant and the land it grows in. The day is all about trading seeds, stories, and wisdom, along with some of the best breeders in the world offering genetic gems from their own collections.




Hop on over to EventBrite to RSVP for Saturday, January 27th, in Hopland, CA.

You can find last year’s epic breeders panel online at Emerald Triangle TV

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Photos credit: Jerry Munn

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